Sunday, January 16, 2011

Assignment Week #2

What I'm reading right now and my rating:
Right now I am reading a book called “World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie Wars”. My mom’s friend recommended it to me and I really like it. It’s about an infection that is spreading around the world and started in China. I have just started it so I do not know a lot of the story but if you like books that are scary and a thriller you would really enjoy it. I’m at the part where they just found out there are infections, and they have to stop people from going across the border.  The problem is there are 1 billion people in China and there are already 35 million people infected in China.  It’s an impossible task, and it has already spread because they didn’t realize there was a problem before it was too late.  The viral infection is spread by bite from zombies.  The zombies were created by scientific testing on humans and one of these tests resulted in the creation of a zombie.  There are no main characters yet.  The story right now is being told through reporters questioning people from all over the globe.  So far questioning has happened in China, Greece, and Brazil.  I’m scoring this book so far a 5 because it has so much detail and when you read it you get so thrilled from what you think is going to happen next.

What I’m waiting for:
World War Z movie is coming out July 2012 and after just reading a bit of the book it will be an amazing movie.  The Director Marc Forster is a perfect director. He was the Director of Quantum of Solace (the James Bond Movie) and that was an action movie.  In the book,  I’m interested in finding out: do they do kill the zombies? or try to find a cure and don’t mind them? It’s a hard decision considering that if it has infected China there could possibly be billions of zombie.  If the movie is as good as “I am legend” with Will Smith, I'd really enjoy it.

Reading blog of the week:
It seems like every book I start to read there is always a movie in production. It’s crazy but the information of “World War Z” the movie is in this link: It shows what movies that Marc Forster has done so far. I don’t think its going to be like a kids movie.  I imagine if Gary Ross was the director he would mess up the whole movie.

Other blog of the week:
I am addicted to this show on discovery channel called “River Monsters”.  It will definitely make you think twice before swimming in freshwater rivers. The latest show I saw had a big problem.  It takes place in Asia with bull sharks going up the freshwater rivers and attacking people. The weird thing about the bull shark is that it can switch is gills to be able to breath from freshwater. This link will show you:

My weekly challenge:
Music that represents my past book, “The Mocking Jay” (because it was the last book I read in full).

Part 1 – It was about being under ground, being part of the rebellion and that Katniss’ home has been destroyed the day she went to the games. I felt sad, sympathy for the main character. 

The song chosen for this part of the book is: Rebellion (Lies) Arcade Fire.

Part 2 – Katniss became the hero for all the districts and everyone loved her, mostly against her will.  I felt terrified and stressed for her and all that responsibility. 

The song chosen for this part of the book is: "All the Right Moves" by One Republic.

Part 3 – Trying to get Peeta, her lover back.  I felt like Katniss was determined to get Peeta back, even willing to risk her life for him, and realized that she really did love him.

The song chosen for this part of the book is: “You’re the One” by Hoobastank

Part 4 – Katniss killed President Snow after he was responsible for killing her sister.  She felt happy to have killed him and avenged her sister’s death but it’s also very sad. 
The song chosen for this part of the book is: “Somewhere Else” by Jim Bryson

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